Sabtu, 31 Maret 2012


Published by: Astika Hartati


The topic of this paper is “how become to the professional tour guide ”. Tour guide are needed for everybody who visit in some places. Tour guide is one of profession in tourism department. A tour guide is not merely someone who leads a group of people surrounding a particular site. They must be very skilled at what they do. They understand how to communicate and work with people. They know about the rules and hope he leads the group to follow the rules too. Tour guides study hard to learn all the information that they could be about the site or attraction so they can answer travelers along the way. They understand the importance of safety and are trained to handle emergencies when the situation arises.



Tour guide is person who guides visitors in the language of their choice and interprets the cultural and natural heritage of an area, which person normally possesses an area-specific qualification usually issued and/or recognized by the appropriate authority. A tour guide (or tourist guide) provides assistance, information and cultural, historical and contemporary heritage interpretation to people on organized tours, individual clients, educational establishments, at religious and historical sites, museums, and at venues of other significant interest.
According to Oka A. Yoeti guide is defined as follows: "The guide is someone who provides information, explanations, and directions to tourists (tourist) and other travelers, about everything which you want to see, witnessed by tourists and travelers are concerned, when they visited on an object, place or area of ​​interest. "
According to E. Amato, an expert from the UNDP / ILO states: Tour guide is the person employed either by the traveler, a travel agency or any other tourist organization, to inform, direct and advise the tourist organization, to inform, direct and advise the tourist before and during his short visit (tour guide is someone who works for the tourists, matchmaking agency or other tourism agencies to provide lighting, led the trip or give advice - advice to tourists before or during a brief visit).
Based on the requirements of regulations and guides in their operations, which is meant to guide the person who signs the card has a guide to organizing trips and providing guidance information about culture, natural resources and inspiring life of the nation of Indonesia or something area residents and / or specialization of a particular object against the tourists either as individuals or in groups, using one or more specific language.
In these regulations distinguish several types of Travel Pramu based expertise, namely:
1. General guide
2. Special guide
3. Tour Conductor
4. Guide driver

As for the formulation of various types of guides are:
1. General guide are guides who have knowledge about the culture, natural resources and the aspirations of the nation or territory the general population of something that does have permission to provide guidance and illumination of tourism trips by using one or more specific language of travelers either as individuals or in groups.
2. Special guide is a tour guide who has knowledge of the particular attraction depth about one or more objects such as cultural tourism, archeology, religious, scientific, wildlife, hunting, and other next-licensed business or activity to guide the journey and provide information to tourists either as individuals or as groups by using one or several languages.
3. Tour conductor is a senior guide, which has a sign the card guides to lead the way one group of tourists traveling in a region or several countries in order to provide travel assistance, guidance and information about attractions, culture, natural resources and aspirations of life of residents / nation region that visiting.
4. Guide driver are guides who have the card guide signs to provide guidance regarding travel and general illumination of attractions, culture, natural resources and the aspirations of the nation in addition to his position as a driver of public transportation such as taxi, touring coach, bus and so on.
           In his working relationship guides can also be differentiated as follows:
1. Tour operator guide
2. Tourist object guide
3. Independent guide

         Guides based on his understanding of these relationships can be formulated as follows:
1. Tour operator guide is the guide in charge of organizing, leading and organizing trips including trips fixtures, both at home and abroad on behalf of the travel company where he works.
2. Tourist object guide is a guide that provides illumination, shows and guidance to one or more attractions.
3. Independent guide is a guide that is not bound in the employment contract with a company's travel agency, but only in enlarging to operate tourist guiding activities and provide information to tourists when he was hired by or acting for one of the tour operator or travel agent and have a business license to assume the duties and activities guides.


         Settings on the guides in Indonesia are set in the transportation minister decree no. SK 234 / K / 1970 dated August 5, 1970 and letter of decision of the Director General of Tourism on the implementation of licensing Guides, No. 12 / Kpts / 1170 - PAR, November 24, 1970.  
The letter of this rule on the obligation of a set task dn guides Indonesia. In the case of differentiated activity guide for General Guide and Special Guide.
1. General Guide
a. Provide guidance penerngan tourism and travel either to individuals or to groups of tourists in one or several languages.
b. Provides general illumination of the history, culture, art, wealth of flora and fauna, social and spiritual life of the community in something in particular regions or countries in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.
c. Complete the administrative affairs that must be resolved directly or indirectly between the tourists with a third party.
d. Provide assistance in arranging the departure and arrival somewhere, both those who come as individuals and in groups, either by the carrier, customs, immigration and quarantine.
e. See to it that every tourist who in his guidance always obtain reassurance (confident), comfortable (comfortable) and satisfaction as long as they still are in the responsibility of the relevant guides.

2. Special Guide
a. Provide guidance and information to tourists both individually and in groups within a particular attraction of a special nature such as museums, archaeological, artistic, wildlife safari, fauna and flora as well as objects - certain other attractions using one or more languages.
b. Complete the administrative matters of tourists with a third party, either directly or indirectly, in accordance with the nature and type of special object.
c. See to it that every tourist who is in his guidance and illumination always get the feeling at ease (confident), comfortable (comfortable) and satisfaction as long as they become the responsibility of the relevant guides.

As for the terms - the terms to be guides in the regulation are as follows:
a. Indonesian citizens aged 18 to 55 years.
b. Guides have identification cards.
c. Have physical and mental health is good and do not have disabilities – mental and physical disabilities that can interfere with the smooth taste of jobs and tourists.
d. Having an attractive personality.
e. Not once in the law or are involved in the G30S / PKI.
But in the regulatory implementation requirements and duties according to guides decision of the Director General of Tourism Number Kep-21 / U / 1V/80 dated 21 April 1980 which also revoke its decision of the Director General of Tourism number: 12 / Kpts / 1170 - Par in terms of licensing guides , terms and duties distinguished leaders and tour guides as follows:
1. To become a tour leader must meet the requirements - requirements:
a. Citizen of Indonesia
b. Age as low as - 25-year low
c. Mastering Indonesian language and one foreign language fluently.
d. Mastering the knowledge and skills in leading and organizing tours journey.
e. Physical and mental health
f. Having a certificate and badge tour leader
2. To become a tour guide must meet the requirements - requirements:
a. Citizen of Indonesia
b. Age as low as - 20-year low
c. Mastering Indonesian language and one foreign language fluently
d. Knowing the knowledge about the object - the object the provision of tourist and leisure traveler.
e. Physical and mental health
f. Well-behaved
g. Have certificates and identification guides
           Thus the principal difference of the terms - the terms between the Minister of Transportation No. guides. SK 243 / K / 1970 Director General of Tourism Jo SK number: 12 / Kpts / 1170 - Par with Sk the Director General of Tourism number: Kep 21 / U / 80 is only in terms of age of a tourist.  Original condition guides must be aged between 18 to 55 years, but the new SK guides decisive for the lowest age is 20 years while for your tour leader as low as - 25-year low. It is obvious that the maturity of a tour guide is indispensable, because the person's age limit of 20 years are expected to have additional education both formal education (college) or non-formal (courses) at least has had additional experience and adapt to the environmental community. While the highest age limit is no longer specified in the DG Tourism Decree No. Kep-21 / U / 80, then from it all he is still capable of performing their duties do not make an obstacle for someone to guide tourists or lead your tour. In fact as a senior lecturer in Yogyakarta, a university kepramuwisataan still willing to perform tasks at the request of a foreign travel agency specialized members of his entourage made up of people - people who really like archeology.


         As described in chapter 11 part B is the legal basis for the role of guides in Inonesia guides as indicated in their formulation - each is for:
a. General Guide
b. Special Guide
c. Tour conductor
d. Guide Driver
All descriptions formulation of the role of tour guide is a substantive legal basis for the guides and tour leaders.  As a citizen of Indonesia is also a tour guide can not be separated from the obligation to defend the country in which security didang do security and surveillance against foreigners. In UUD1945 Article 30 reads:
1. Every - every citizen has the right and duty to participate in the defense of state enterprises.
2. Terms - the terms of the plea set up by Law.
          Thus, all citizens have the right and duty to participate secure the country. In terms HANKAMRATA (defense and security of people's total) people as a whole helped defend the country in accordance with their field - each.
Guides as a citizen of Indonesia who deal directly with individuals and group travelers, has also duties and obligations of security and surveillance of foreigners. In principle duties and supervision of foreigners is divided into two main tasks.
1. Tasks into the (internal security) which includes:
a. Private security
b. Salvage
c. Security documents
2. Tasks to the outside (external security) which include:
a. Security against foreigners themselves include:
1. Personal Security
2. Salvage
3. Security documents
b. Supervision of all activities carried out by foreigners.
1. Tasks into the (internal security) are included
a. Personal security (personal security), namely: security of tourism officers themselves from the possibility of physical and mental dangers of ideologies that come from outside.
b. Security wealth (material security), include:
1. object - a tourist attraction, such as the theft of a statue - a statue of an ancient temple - the temple, the smuggling business objects - antiques by foreign tourists, who protected the protection Ordinance goods - antiquities, etc..
2. The tool - a tool of transportation / transit
3. Hotels - hotels and facilities - tourist facilities
4. Other - other objects relating to security and tourist facilities
c. Security document (Document Security) include:
1. Safeguards against government policy in the field
Tourism, for example, foreign business leaders organized tours travel illegally, without government approval Indonesia.
2. Security of planning documents and development of tourism.
3. Security of documents concerning tourism budget.
4. Security of documents - documents of cooperation agreements with parties within and outside the country.
2. Duties to Foreign (External Security) include:
a. Personal security (personal security), namely:
1) Security against foreign government officials, Corps Diploma and other foreign VIPs whether official or unofficial visit Indonesia.
2) Security against the leaders - leaders who visited Indonesia to foreign tourism.
3) Security of all foreign tourists visiting Indonesia.
4) Safeguarding personal indirectly against tourists which include:
- Danger of physic attack
     - Danger of accidents
     - The danger of natural disasters
     - Danger of poisoning, and others - others.
5) Demonstrate and lead the tour to the object - the object is worth the visit.
6) Avoiding tourists to visit places that are not safe or cartilage that may pose danger
b. Security wealth (material security), include: Preventing the possible danger of theft or loss of goods - goods tourists vandalism, fire, pickpocketing or mugging and others - others.
c. Security document (Document Security), including: Security indirectly on the document - tourists travel documents, among others:
1) Passport and a letter - a letter other identification.
2) The money in cash, traveler's checks and letters - other securities.
3) The letter - a letter and other important personal property - other.

B. Pengawasa terhadapa foreigners
                 A guide is obliged to avoid as far as - failure by the act of foreign tourists who can cause things - things that raises legal issues in the territory of Indonesia, it - the following:
1) For tourists do not do things - things that deviate from the activity as a tourist.
2) To tourists do not do things - things that could harm the state and nation of Indonesia.
3) In order for tourists are not in violation - violation of applicable law in Indonesia.
4) In order for tourists not to act contrary to decorum and procedure of local community life.
                 The formal legal basis than the duties and obligations of the general guides, specific guides and tour leaders are set as transportation minister's decision no. KM-73 / KP. 103 / PHB-80 on 1 April 1980 and director general of tourism decree number: Kp-21 / U / 1V / 80 dated April 21, 1980 as contained in chapter 11 chapters 5,6,7,9, and section 1 of article 4 of :
1. The obligation to follow the exam office tour leaders and guides to submit:
a. Description of good conduct from the police.
          b. Health information from government doctors
          c. Copies of last diploma education.
          d. Photograph size 4 x 6 as many as 5 pieces.
2. The obligation to follow the curriculum lessons for the post of leader and tour guides as enclosed in sheets of this book.
3. Obligations wear a badge tour leader or guide which is issued by the competent authority issue.
4. Liabilities have setifikat tour leader or tour guide certificate of public or specialized guides.
5. The obligation to report performance of duties under article 4 section 1 DG Tourism Decree no: Kep-21 / U / 1V / 80, among others:
a. Travel agency in the compulsory reporting duties tour leaders who are employed regularly tiap6 (six) months to the director general of tourism.
b. General guides and guides khususbdiwajibkan execution of his duty to give periodic reports every 6 (six) months to the Provincial Governor or an official appointed for it with a copy to the director general of tourism.
c. Implementation of the report is done by filling out a list of reports issued by the Directorate General of Tourism.


A professional tour guide in the field of tourism. tour guide is not an easy task. tour guide before plunging into the location, lots of things to watch. a tour guide must also comply with the rules of statutory law and regulations. The first, must follow the tour guide training for tour guides can learn how to deal with Foreigner. tour guide is a good thing and is a good profession for cultivated.